Monday, December 27, 2010

20GetRight10 and beyond

20GetRight10 was my motto for this past year. It was this fun thing my friends came up with. 20insertwhateveryouwant10. Who knows why but we thought it was great and everyone had a motto. Here are a few...


I had some majors ups and some pretty low low's but overall it was a pretty successful year. I have some things I wish I could have taken back but you can't so I just pray God uses those things to draw me closer to him.

What I realized with my 20GetRight10 is that this is a forever thing. I am always going to strive to get right and become a better Christian, daughter, friend, co-worker and on and on. It seems really exhausting when I put it like that but I also know I won't be alone. This year as I have been striving to do better and falling flat on my face the Lord has been with me every step of the way. He has been there to pick me up and sometimes carry me. I am so thankful for what the Lord has done in my life and I think next year is going to be even better!