Friday, October 8, 2010


I love emails especially from my 4 year old nephew and my 3 year old niece! Below are the emails I received yesterday!

I want to pineapple. Um, pumpkin. Lights. Pineapple again.

If you knew Aubrey this sounds just like her! She is so funny and random just like her aunt Ashley!

Morgan's makes a little bit more sense!!

We're going to strawberries at school today. In the garden - well done. We love ya, boy. Go to the hut. Go to basketball then to my house so you see the wonderful toys. And you can watch Mickey Mouse Road Rally with me whenever you want to, man. You are gonna have pumpkins at the school. If you're at school you can see Halloween. There's ghosts and bats and a very good pumpkin. We made pumpkins, but I didn't.

Bye-bye. You are cool or you're beautiful I know. So see ya later Mr. Potatohead.

I just had to share those because they were so cute and made my day!

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